Expert insights



Drupal to WordPress migration checklist: Steps during migration

Ensure a seamless transition from Drupal to WordPress with our detailed during migration checklist.

Steps of Migration
  • WordCamp-Kochi-2018-logo

    WordCamp Kochi 2018 Experience

    We attended WCKochi where Nirmal Desai, from our team, spoke about WordPress for Enterprise Publishers. Here is our take on the experience along with the slide that he presented during his talk.

  • AMP 1

    AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018 Recap

    rtCampers attended AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018 last week. Here are speaker slides from Pradeep, our VP Engineering and other notes & pics taken by rtCampers!

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  • Events

    Meet Nirmal at WordCamp Kochi 2018

    rtCamp is sponsoring WordCamp Kochi 2018. Nirmal Desai, Biz Dev Manager @rtCamp, will be speaking on “WordPress for Enterprise Publishers”.

  • wordpress-amp-roadshow-mumbai-pradeep

    Lets catch up at AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018! ⚡

    Pradeep Sonawane, our VP Engineering, will be speaking about “AMP for WordPress” at AMP Roadshow Mumbai 2018. You can catchup with Pradeep and seven rtCampers at the event. ⚡

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    rtCamp at WordCamp Ahmedabad 2017!

    WordCamp Ahmedabad had 12 rtCampers in one place over a 3-day weekend. Harlem Shakes, crazy photo ops and WordPress Core contributions ensued.

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  • rtcamp-wc-colombo

    rtCamp’s WordCamp Colombo 2017 Trip

    First Sri Lankan WordCamp’s summary through the eyes of rtCampers. The organizers deserve full credit for making WordCamp Colombo, an event to cherish for long.

  • workshop_in_action

    Our experience at Fossmosis 2017

    Fossmosis 2017 was a four day workshop organised by the Free Software Movement of Maharashtra. Held in association with PICT, one of the most prestigious computer sciences institute in our city, the event aimed to promote free and open source software among college students. The organisers aimed to cover several FOSS, technologies and projects, including WordPress. […]

  • wordcamp nagpur wcnagpur 2017

    We went to the first WordCamp in the “Orange City”

    Nagpur is one of the fastest growing cities in Maharashtra. Second only to Mumbai and Pune in terms of population, the city is our state’s winter capital and home to several orange orchards. Being one of the most popular exports of the city, the organizers of WCNagpur incorporated it into their official logo. We were […]

    wordcamp nagpur wcnagpur 2017