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WordPress Version 4.6, named “Pepper”, was released today, with a focus on improving the user-experience. The new version is named “Pepper” in honor of jazz baritone saxophonist Park Frederick “Pepper” Adams III. Some of the exciting updates include Streamlined updates, Native fonts & Editor improvements, along with many under the hood improvements. You can read more […]
Experience of organising first local WordPress meetup in regular office hours 🙂
rtCamp is now a proud WordPress.com VIP Partner. We are not only first from India but also first from Asia to achieve this.
rtCamper Rahul Bansal will be attending WordCamp Europe 2016 in Vienna, Austria. Catch up with him at the 3 day event and talk WordPress with him.
You get a faster and more secure rtMedia version from WordPress.org, which is reviewed by WordPress.com VIP team.
Newsmarket the online shop has around 550+ products and more than 50,000 orders which are handled easily.We solved the problems in four stages.
WordPress our favourite software turned 13 years old. We celebrated it’s birthday with a special cake and a small party in the office.